Very excited to unveil the brand new Mapology Guide. Creating a Mapology Guide is a true labour of love and there's such anticipation to see if people like it - wishing for nothing more than to be helpful and useful.

I have a list of potential topics for a Mapology Guide that is as long as my arm. If money and time would be of no issue, I would gladly create and publish a different map every month - with a subscription model where people could receive every map as soon as it gets published.
Alas, it takes around 2-3 months to create and publish a Mapology Guide, so it's quality over quantity - for now.
Why the expedition towards a meaningful life? Because I feel it's much needed. I'm aware that not everyone believes there is a purpose to our life. Some believe that we simply exist and make the best of the cards we've been dealt. And that's absolutely fine. But I know there are many others who have asked themselves questions like: 'Why am I here?' 'What's my purpose?' 'What's the point of it all?'
Does the world feel more frightening and demoralising to you than ever before? Our increased awareness of the fragility and instability of our world can be deeply unsettling. This can threaten not only your feelings of existential security but also your entire sense of meaning in life. Often, that sense of meaning is heavily shaped by our worldview.
With this map, we wanted you to take a step back and initially look more inward than outward. Find your footing. It's not all about occupations and careers. It's more about drawing meaning and fulfilment from the activities that make up your daily life.
Not everyone has a vocation or is in a job of their dreams. There is so much more to life and that's what we want you to explore. New options, new opportunities, new adventures. Who knows where they lead and how they make you feel? It's all for the taking at whatever stage of life you find yourself in.
We change and evolve as life goes on and what was meaningful to me in my 20s and 30s has changed. My values have changed. My self-knowledge has changed. I have changed and as I approach my 60's I will change yet again. And that's why you can use this map over and over again.
The wonderful
Dr. Editheger says it best. At 96, and a Holocaust survivor, she knows a thing or two about life:
"Finding a deep and powerful purpose is a simple way to begin looking forward in your life. Having an objective, a dream, a passion for your time here on earth will give you purpose and confidence to act - and not be stuck."
Let me introduce you to the team who helped bring this topic to life and without whom there would be no Mapology Guides. The talented illustrators and creative writers make me look good:)
For this map, I invited the über-talented illustrator Gus Scott to do his magic. What a joy of a man and a creative to collaborate with. Gus is so easy to work with. Highly professional, he took the brief of a rather challenging topic (you might agree) and produced some dream-like illustrations with a soft, yet confident colour palette.
By sheer coincidence, I recently met Michael Brooke in an online business meeting. Something clicked for him and he wanted to know what I do. When I sent him the URL of the website he asked for a Zoom meeting. Lo and behold, we established we were both publishers, we were born 2 days apart from each other. He was born in England but moved as a young boy to Canada, where he has lived since and is married with three children.
We hope you will love the map as much as we do.

If you're looking for a complimentary map, we think
Who Are You? could work well.