How to set yourself up for a good year
OK. By now I'm sure we all have settled into 2025. One way or another, hibernation is over - at least for now. Normally, I get quite excited by a new year. It's like turning the page, having new energy and making new plans.
Here's how to set yourself up for a good year.

Since January 2020 - when we all heard about the impending pandemic - my enthusiasm at the beginning of the year has somehow waned. It takes me longer to get going and to find enthusiasm and energy for the forthcoming year.
January is often a challenging month for all kinds of reasons. This year, we had the horrendous wildfires in LA right at the beginning and then the Trump inauguration which will keep everyone on their toes. Will he or won't he impose tariffs and so on. And we have our own economic challenges, as well as many other problems in the UK.... it feels like it's never ending!
Well, January is nearly over and we are going towards longer days and Spring (in the Northern Hemisphere). Yay!
So what has the new year in store? That's a million dollar question. But, as many of you know, I'm a believer in the power of responding differently to what life throws at you. There are always going to be problems in life that are bigger than we are. But the way we respond to them remains firmly in our own hands. That's why we created and published How to choose a Brighter Tomorrow Mapology Guide.
In addition to this, the other part of setting yourself up for a better year is to boost your daily creativity. I find creativity can help with so many problems by making us see things differently, engaging our minds and bodies and giving us some kind of agency over our lives. That in itself is so empowering and you will feel less of a victim of your circumstances.
But so many people don't feel creative or don't know where to start. Is that you? We created and published Creative Thinking in the Workplace for exactly that reason. This map is for employees and employers. It's for those who want to understand how innovation comes about and how people need to prepare for creative thinking. There is a particular sequence to this. My favourite part is to let people who believe they are NOT creative know that they are!